Weight training exercises for women help, by building one's endurance which aids in carrying out day-to-day activities. Read on for some of the best weight training exercises for women that will help in toning up their body.

Weight Training Exercises for Women
Ab Exercises
Ab Exercises
- Begin in an upper push-up position with your hands directly under your shoulders and feet together. Keep your back straight, and head and neck in line with the spine. Look down and try to hold this position as long as comfortable.
- Lie down on your back and keep your hands on either sides of your waist. Raise your legs straight in to the air and slowly bring them down to touch the ground and then lift them up again. Try doing this 5 - 6 times.
- Lie down on your back and place your hands on either sides of your waist. Bend your knees and bring your feet above the floor and slowly push your lower back into the ground. Raise your bottom above the floor by bringing your knees back towards your chest and then carefully go back to the initial position.
Bicep Exercises
- Kneel down behind a stability ball and keep your elbows over it. Keep your arms straightened out and slowly start to lift the weight towards your shoulders. Hold for a second and slowly lower down to the initial position.
- Start with free weights by your side with your palms facing you. Your feet should be under your hips and your knees slightly bent. Lift the weight up towards your shoulders, hold for a second or so and then slowly lower the weight back to the initial position.
Tricep Exercises
- Hold a free weight between your right thumb and pointer finger and cup your other hand under your right hand. Lift the weight so that your elbows are bent and the weight is behind your head. Try to straighten your arms by raising the weight up to the sky, hold for a second and come back to the initial position.
- Sit on a flat bench and keep your hands to your sides. Bend your knees, lift your bottom off the bench and gradually lower to the ground by bending your elbows. Raise your back by straightening out the elbows.
Shoulder Exercises
- Stand with your feet under your hips and knees slightly bent. Hold a dumbbell in each hand with palms facing your thighs. Keep your arms straight, lift the dumbbells up till shoulder level. Hold for a second and return to initial position.
- Stand with your feet under your hips and knees slightly bent. Bend your elbows and keep them at shoulder level. Keep a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing away from you. Lift both dumbbells up to the sky and let them meet in the middle i.e.,above your head. Hold for a second or so and lower back to the initial position. More on shoulder exercises for women