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How To Improve On Your Diet and Nutrition

Even if you have your nutrition in check, it doesn't mean that you can't make it better. You know what they say, it sounds a bit cliche but it is true that the biggest room in the world is the room for improvement. Here are some things here and there that you can apply in your diet that will definitely lead to a healthier you.

1. Supplements

This is like one of the best things that you can do for your body; using nutritional supplements. The body and especially that of a bodybuilder has more nutritional demands than what your whole food consumption can meet. You might be eating the right foods in the right quality and quality as well but this may still not be enough. A lot of nutrients are lost from the time the food comes from the farm to the time it starts being digested by the body and so what you eat is of less nutritional value than what it should be. This is where supplements now come in, the last thing you want as a bodybuilder is to have some kind of nutritional deficiency.

2. Eat The Good Looking Colored Stuff

There is only one rule that I usually go by, the more colorful it is, the better it is for you. This of cause eliminates rice, pasta and those other many simple carbohydrates that come in white. Come to think of it, even sugar comes in white, try getting some brown sugar. I'm kidding. What I mean when I say keep it colored is to get all the different kind of fruits and vegetables that can be eaten by humans. Leafy vegetables are very essential not only for their nutritional value but also for their work in digestion as fiber. Minimize on the amount of heat and oil that you use when cooking As much as possible. If you can make a salad with all the green stuff without cooking it at all, then the better. This is because heat destroys a lot of nutrients and if you overdo it, you end up stuffing your body with goo!

3. Feel Free To Experiment

Just because you have to eat healthy doesn't mean that it has to be boring and flat. Eating is one of the activities that you have to do every day of your life i.e. assuming that you want to live and lead a healthy life. Making this activity boring will only push you towards looking for fun in the unhealthy side of the food isle in the grocery store. A good step in the right direction is by investing in a really good, easy to understand cookbook. Take your family through the different delicacies and you will have your kids finishing all their vegetables and even asking for more. Avoid deep frying your food and using spices that have a lot of sodium in them, and there you go.
Pick what is amiss from your nutrition and enjoy the improved results.


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