Fight the Top 5 Weight Loss Challenges

Fight the Top 5 Weight Loss Challenges

The experts at Mayo clinic, in their new book; The Mayo Clinic Diet has identified the main obstacles facing the average person and ways to overcome them.

Challenge 1: I never cook, or I don't find the time to cook

Find recipes that are fast, easy, and nutritious from many of the free diet recipe websites and cooking books. Check out different techniques and styles of cooking such as barbeque, stir-fry, salads, and microwaving, which are quick and easy. Save the hassle by getting pre-frozen packs of green salads, vegetables or pre-packed lean meats. Make extra when you do cook, so you can take advantage of leftovers the next day. If you are really feeling uninspired, eating out or getting takeout is all right once in a while. Just remember to choose healthy items and practice good portion control.

Challenge 2: I never eat vegetables or fruits

Don't like vegetables or fruit? No problem! If chomping on a big bowl of fruit salad doesn't appeal to you, you can boost your daily intake of fruits and vegetables from your soups, casseroles, stews and stir-fries. Or you can add some variety into your fruit and vegetable diets by eating fresh fruit pieces in your cereal and low-fat yogurt. If you are tired of the familiar apples, grapes, and oranges, be sure to try exotic fruits like mangoes, kiwis, and papayas next time!

Challenge 3: I don't feel hungry in the morning so no breakfast

Ever, heard of the story, eat like a king in the morning, like the average man in the afternoon and like a beggar in the night. So, always try to eat something in the morning, because you need your energy in the morning to go through the day. Try, a little something in the morning hours, like breakfast cereal, shakes and non-fat milk, or handy foods that you can grab and go, such as bananas, apples, or low-fat yogurt in single-serving containers. Always, get some milk in the morning, so that it fuels your body with some protein and carbohydrate. Or if you are not a big breakfast boy of traditional morning breakfasts, why not try a sandwich?

Challenge 4: I munch away into the wee hours

Stop this bad habit of eating during late night hours and curb your desires. Make sure you eat 3 times a day properly so you don't get hungry at night, simply don't keep unhealthy snack food around the house, and stay busy in the hours before bedtime to prevent you from wandering to the pantry. If you find the urge to eat, eat fruits, vegetable sticks or pop corn without butter instead.

Challenge 5: I eat a lot while watching TV or in the cinema

Stop this habit of eating in front of the TV, you're munching away mindlessly without looking at your plate and therefore, might overstuff yourself. And always drink some beverages or soup before a meal so that you don't overeat in front of the TV. Try some alternatives such as drinking water or chewing sugarless gum, if you want to munch on something while watching TV. If you really have to snack, munch on something low in calories such as fruits, vegetables, popcorn (no butter), or rice crackers.


With proper planning and mindful about what you eat or drink, you too can make great food choices and be a pro dietician. Avoiding little bad habits can go a long way in achieving your goals.