How to Get Rid of Pimples on Oily Skin

How to Get Rid of Pimples on Oily Skin

An oily face is a matter of concern not only for teenagers and young adults, but also for those people who are in the pre-menopausal phase of their life.

Oily skin and its related consequences such as acne and pimples can be quite embarrassing for the affected person and the ugly scars and blemishes on the skin can even lower the person’s self-esteem.

The sebaceous glands are over active. Skin that feels great when you take off for work in the morning but feels greasy by lunch; these are all too familiar scenarios for those of us with oily skin.

As your skin is oily, which is more prone to pimples, treatment for both pimples and oily skin should be done simultaneously for best results.

Eat Fewer Oily Foods

Your skin already is producing an abundance of oils, so it is best to avoid fats, fried foods and anything that will make your already sensitive skin more prone to flare ups.

Drink More Water

Water assists your body in flushing out toxins from your system, and well hydrated skin is healthy skin. Drinking more water and few glasses of soda, coffee, and alcohol has many health benefits for the rest of your body too.

Mint Masks

Try wearing a mask of crushed fresh mint leaves. Mint contains menthol which is a natural pain reliever. Crush the mint leaves into a thick paste and spread evenly over the skin. Leave on for ten minutes and then rinse with cool water. The menthol in the mask will also work to relieve the inflammation around the acne making the appearance less noticeable.

Lemon and Rosewater Astringent

Mix equal parts of rosewater and lemon juice to make an astringent solution. Astringents, while they sting a bit when applied, tend to dry the excess oils on the surface of the skin and help to heal pimples. Leave the mixture on your face for 15-30 minutes and then rinse with cool water. Lemon juice is a natural acid, so be careful to keep this mixture away from your eyes.

Cucumber and Oatmeal Masks

Cucumber and oatmeal masks tend to have a soothing natural exfoliating property that helps to gently cleanse the pores and lift excess oils off the surface of the skin. To make the mask, puree ¼ of a cucumber and set aside. Prepare one serving of oatmeal as directed and mix in 3 Tablespoons of honey. Mix in the cucumber and set aside to cool. Wash your face with mild soap and pat dry. When the mixture is cool, apply evenly to your face and allow it to sit on your face for 20 minutes. Rinse with cool water and pat dry.

Orange Peels and Water

A paste of crushed orange peels mixed along with water can be applied to your oily face and can be rinsed off with luke warm water after 20 to 30 minutes for effective pimples treatment.