Maintaining a Normal Blood Pressure Level

Maintaining a Normal Blood Pressure Level

Since maintaining a healthy blood pressure is so important for your body, this article will discuss a few ideas to help you lower your blood pressure if it is high, or maintain it at a normal level. Blood pressure has an important bearing on many of the body’s vital organ systems, including the heart, the circulatory system, the kidneys, and the brain. That’s why taking care of your blood pressure and keeping blood pressure at a normal level can add years to your life and also give you the energy and health to enjoy the time you have.

Age and Normal Blood Pressure

As you get older, your arteries become more rigid, causing your heart to have to work harder to pump against increased resistance. For that reason, it becomes increasingly important to monitor your blood pressure and take steps to reduce blood pressure to a more normal level.

Weight and Blood Pressure

One of the most important ways you can do this is by controlling your weight. Did you know that every pound of fat in your body contains an average of 200 miles of capillaries? Capillaries are the threadlike vessels that carry blood cells to the most remote locations in your tissues, so every time you add a pound of body weight, your heart must pump blood through an additional 200 miles of blood vessels! Not only that, but the additional weight means your body must work harder to support you against gravity and to move you around. That’s why maintaining a healthy weight and a low body fat ratio can do so much to promote a normal blood pressure level. Eating a diet low in fat, controlling your portion size, and maintaining a regular exercise program can also help you lower and maintain your optimal weight, which, in turn, helps you retain a normal blood pressure level.

Diet and Blood Pressure

As we’ve already discussed, your diet affects your weight, which can directly affect your blood pressure. But there are also certain foods that can actually help reduce your blood pressure, as well. For one thing, reducing the salt in your diet will help lower your blood pressure to normal levels. Also, skim milk, which is low in fat, is a healthy choice for reducing blood pressure. Dark chocolate, it turns out—if eaten in portions of half an ounce or less per day—has been shown to have beneficial effects on blood pressure. Soybeans, bananas, spinach, and beans (white, navy, lima, pinto, and kidney) are also good foods to help maintain normal blood pressure levels. Finally, spicy seasonings have been shown to indicate lower incidence of blood clotting diseases, and the increased metabolism they can generate can also help you lose weight.