Hypnosis For Weight Loss

Hypnosis For Weight Loss

Everybody knows the key to weight loss. The key is "diet and exercise". But the problem most people have is sticking with it till the end. Well, there is a sure-shot method to keep you motivated till the end...hypnosis for weight loss. It works! And its easy!

Self hypnosis is nothing but hypnotizing yourself. Self hypnosis can be learned by anyone. With the help of self hypnosis you can learn how to relax completely, and then can make some positive suggestions to yourself. Weight loss hypnosis is a way to lose weight effectively and permanently.

How is it done?

Before going to bed at night and before waking up in the morning, during the transition period from sleep to wakefulness the human mind is most gullible and open to suggestions. If at these two times you can visualize yourself as slim and trim, in all its details and you visualize yourself pushing away all that calorie stuffed food which has been your all time favorite and relishing boiled vegetables and low calorie food, you just might end up doing that during your waking hours. You need to visualize your goals and methods in as much detail as possible. You need to visualize your self going to the gym everyday. Following your diet. Staying away from tempting food. You need to visualize each and everything you need to do and your goal in complete detail.

Slowly and steadily you will develop a new self image. You will see yourself in the future after losing weight and if you hold on to this image, you will be surprised, it will really come about.

What you are really doing is re-educating your subconscious mind and once an idea is there in the mind, it has an uncanny way of finding its way to reality. Just try it!