How to Lose 10 Pounds in 1 Week

In today's high paced life, people are on the look out of quick weight loss solutions. Believe, it or not, there's no magic wand to lose weight. Although, fad diets or pills to curb food craving helps to reduce weight to a certain extent, many doctors regard these weight loss methods as unhealthy ways to shed extra kilos. Diet modifications and exercises are the appropriate methods that can be used for years to decrease weight.

How to Lose 10 pounds in 1 week?

Want to lose 10 pounds in 1 week? Well dietary changes and increasing physical activity is something that can result in desired weight loss. It is explained below:

Diet is crucial for weight loss and eating the right food in appropriate amounts can surely bring the desired results. Diet to lose 10 pounds in 1 week, involves intake of high fiber foods. A high fiber diet program is an effective way to reduce calorie consumption, thus promoting decrease in weight. Studies have shown that to achieve amazing weight loss results, eating high fiber foods daily is the best option. In order to increase fiber intake, having plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits is important. However, avoid consuming bananas, as they contribute to weight gain. Whole grains, cereals and wheat breads are high in fiber and can really help to lose the desired weight in a week. Read more on weight loss diets.

Non vegetarians can consume meat, but ensure that it is lean meat. High sugary foods such as cakes, as well as saturated fats like potato chips need to be avoided. A drop in weight requires a calorie deficit diet, which is possible only without high fatty foods. Say no to fried foods, cooked in considerable amount of oil. Having broiled or baked skinless chicken and fish is an easy way to reduce calorie consumption. For snacks, one can have almonds as they belong to high protein low fat foods. However, the fastest way to lose 10 pounds in 1 week is to strictly follow a vegetarian diet. Read more on ways to lose 10 pounds.

Some form of physical activity is very important to speed up calorie burning process. Any weight loss program is incomplete without mentioning exercises. Instead of consuming those fat burning pills that bring side effects, exercise is an easy way to lose weight naturally. Healthy sustainable fat loss is guaranteed by regularly performing specific exercises for 50 - 60 minutes. Whether, it is reducing stubborn abdominal fat or to lose 10 pounds in one week, exercise is a must. Cardiovascular exercises such as running, swimming, skipping and weightlifting are some good exercises to burn fat. All, these are intense exercises that accelerate metabolic rate and help to lose weight fast.

Consuming less amount of water, can slow down metabolism, thereby decreasing the body's ability to burn fat. Drinke plenty of water to increase metabolism, thereby giving a stimulus to weight loss. Drink 8 - 9 glasses of water throughout the day and ensure that the body is not dehydrated.

Meal Size
One should have complete control over the amount of daily food consumption. Starvation is certainly not the healthy way to reduce weight, but at the same time, one has to stay away from excessive eating habits. Overeating will only trigger weight gain, so keep a watch on food serving sizes. Having meals 5 - 6 times, in small portions, instead of 2 big fat meals, is necessary to boost metabolism and lose weight faster.

So, to lose 10 pounds in a week, maintaining consistency in exercise routine, as well as strictly following a high fiber diet, devoid of fatty foods, is imperative. These lifestyle changes have indeed proved useful to give healthy weight loss results.