Elderberry Wine Health Benefits

Before the elderberry wine came into existence in the 17th century, its use was already well known among the ancient Egyptians and the Indian tribes. Some used the berry to heal burns and some, as an ingredient in teas and other beverages. Pies, pancakes, muffins, jams and jelly are among the many food stuffs which can be made with the elderberry as one of its ingredients. North America, Europe, Western Asia and North Africa are some of the places wherein, the elderberry also known as the 'medicine chest', has been in tremendous medicinal use. The following description is for you to identify and learn about the many elderberry wine health benefits.

Elderberry Wine Benefits
Elderberry wine is known to boost the immune system of the body, rendering it to ward off virus causing infections. As mentioned, the wine is effective in treating influenza. The wine helps the immune system in its production of proteins which are known to fight infections.

The elderberry wine health benefits include its efficiency in the treatment of sore throat, bronchitis and in providing relief from the different symptoms of upper respiratory diseases. Its immune-boosting properties also helps in relieving chest congestion and yeast infections.

Not only does elderberry wine benefits us by being an effective medicine, it also has vitamin A, vitamin B and highly amounts of vitamin C as its constituents. Carotenoids (any of a class of highly unsaturated yellow to red pigments occurring in plants and animals), tannin (any of various complex phenolic substances of plant origin; used in tanning and in medicine), amino acids, organic pigments, sugar and rutin (glucose found in rue and other plants) are also included as its constituents. Asthma, coughs, arthritic and rheumatic complaints can also be addressed to by elderberry wine benefits.

One of the major elderberry wine health benefits is perhaps its content of flavonoids (any of a large class of plant pigments having a chemical structure based on or similar to flavone). These pigments contain anthocyanins which are a power house of antioxidants. These prevent cell damage caused due to the detrimental effects of poor diet, stress and pollution. According to certain studies, the anthocyanins present in elderberry increase the production of cytokines (any of various protein molecules secreted by cells of the immune system that serve to regulate the immune system). These molecules play the role of messengers in the immune system and help regulate immune response and thus aid the body in fighting off infections.

Apart from the wine, another product is the elderberry extract. One of the main elderberry extract benefits is targeted towards the lowering of cholesterol. This in turn, keeps many types of cardiovascular diseases at bay. Improving vision and promoting healthy heart are the other elderberry wine health benefits. Bacterial and viral infections can also be addressed by the use of this wine, apart from treating tonsils. Urinary problems, kidney problems, back pain and other nerve conditions also have the use of the extract in their home remedies. Elderberry extracts are also used as diuretics, insect repellents, and laxatives.

The dried flowers of the elderberry plant can be used to brew tea. Apart from the wine and leaves, the elderberry concentrate is considered to be more effective and potent. However, before going for this product of the medicinal plant, it is important to sought for a professional advice, so that you get the best quality product. If you may like, you can also read more on elderberry juice benefits.

It is equally important to be well aware of the side effects, as well. Stems, roots, twigs, barks, seeds and leaves of the elderberry plant are better not to be put in any kind of use. This is due to the fact that these substances are known to release cyanide which is poisonous. Unripe fruits should also be avoided as they are also toxic and may cause diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. It is advisable to use the purple, black, and blue berries and avoid the red ones. Expecting and nursing mothers must avoid the use of elderberry.

So this was about the many elderberry wine health benefits. You also got to know a bit about the elderberry benefits in the extract and concentrate form. So, bring home some elderberry wine and toast to your good health!